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“Loss of Innocence” – My First Story

Once upon a time, there was a young boy by the name of Jason Stadtlander who sat at his desk in 6th grade and was given the assignment to write a creative story based on one of the objects sitting on the teachers desk. Without looking at any of the other objects, the teddy bear immediately caught his attention. read more

New England Madness and the Wild World

To this day, I attempt to explain to my friends and family that live outside of New England the level of stress that I (and many of us) feel when commuting into Boston each day, but they just flat out don’t get it. There is no way to explain to those who don’t live here, the stress that is involved in traveling such a short distance. It is completely normal for my commute of fifteen miles to take between an hour to two hours. read more

Tiny Treasures, Red Leaves and Lucky Pennies

Arriving at my children’s school, I get out of my car and my children follow suit, grab their back packs and we walk toward the door. Along the way my youngest sees a few fall leaves on the ground, despite the fact that it’s only one day after labor day. He reaches down and finds the two most red, beautiful leaves and hands me one. This is a very common… read more

Farewell Robin Williams

I wasn’t going to write a tribute, an article or an essay about Robin Williams. I never knew the man and I am no one of importance or notoriety. I…

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The Memories We Leave Behind

A 53 year old woman stands in her daughter’s the bedroom doorway, her daughter having left for college. She looks around at her daughter’s bedroom. A room that was home to a small baby with a mobile hanging over the crib, later a little girl played with Barbies, said her evening prayers and made forts out of blankets. read more

Where the Wild Things Are – Punishing Children (and keeping your sanity)

(Here come the five famous words) When I was a kid, if I didn’t watch my mouth, obey my parents or if I was (caught) beating on my brother or sister, I got a hand to the backside. That’s right, a spanking. I know, crazy huh? Even more crazy is my father was never thrown in jail for child abuse and my mother never served a day in court due to taking a brush to my behind (I guess her hand hurt to spank?). read more

Fire and Ice – The Value of a Touch

Emotions are like seeds and you can choose to feed them or to kill them. Emotions being what they are, cannot remain buried forever. They must reach, and grow to the surface eventually… Otherwise they can rot away at the very core of who and what we are. read more
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