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Pain is…

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PainPain is a tempest.

It is a raging storm that can carry us or drown us as we drift among the seas.

It comes in physical, emotional and psychological forms.

Some of us may never feel true pain. May never know true loss of one’s sanity, one’s loved one, one’s limb, or of stress that can induce tremendous pain that can deadlock the psyche.

For others they are trapped in the pain, trapped in the hurricane, just wading in and out of the eye of the hurricane as the waves increase to a crescendo that crushes the human soul.

The question is, the ever lasting question… Can we as humans cope with the pain with which we are dealt? Is it of the heart, the soul, God, or some other underlying strength that enable us to deal with the pain with which we are trapped within. And if we find this strength, what is it that can pull us from it’s grasp? What is it that can breach our tempest and quite literally save our lives?


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