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Frankly Friday – Parents: Those Left Behind

Those of us that have children (and many who don’t) know that children are a very special thing. They are a connection to our past and a hope for our future. They connect us in ways to the world around us that we never thought possible until we had them. So what happens when they are gone? read more

The Notes

“Sit down over here” Michael’s mother instructed him as they walked along the balcony of Symphony Hall. His grandmother had bought him and his parents tickets to the symphony in…

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Jack & Elaine – The Bracelet

A newspaper slapped the door and landed on the porch with the normal thud. Elaine turned her bike around and headed down the driveway in the cool early morning toward…

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Jack and Elaine – Lost

Every year the county fair fell around Elaine’s birthday making it the perfect birthday gift. Her friend Jack and his family would be joining Elaine and her parents this year.…

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Our Changing Lives and Perceptions

I was recently going through family photos, organizing and trying to do some purging. In doing so I came across pictures of my past, good times, hard times and photos…

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The Boy

WARNING: The following story deals with strong topics such as depression and bullying. Reader discretion is advised. The boy sat staring at the ridiculous frog wearing the baseball hat, holding…

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