Twisted Thursday – Top 10 Things I’ve Learned During the Coronavirus Lockdown StadtlanderJason Stadtlander
Yes, yes, we’ve all discovered a new side to ourselves in lock-down during the Coronavirus and COVID19 disease. We have discovered that for many of us it is possible to work from home and it is important to look out for others in this ‘unprecedented time’.
I found that I personally have discovered things that I never before thought about.
Here are my Top 10 Things I’ve Learned in the Coronavirus Lockdown:
10. Clothing for Zoom meetings is optional
9. My cat really does sleep 90% of her life
8. The mute button is my friend (especially if the office is next to the bathroom)
7. Coronavirus does not actually give you diarrhea
6. Social distancing guidelines differ from country to country
5. Lifting a beer is a good interim work out during COVID19
4. If you have a birthday during the lock-down, you’re getting ripped off
3. Too much television really does rot your brain
2. Productivity is way up when working from home
1. There really is a solution for homeschooling children
“Twisted Thursday” is an occasional spot written on a topic that I thought might be fun to ‘twist’. Check out my other Twisted Thursdays.