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Jason Stadtlander

Old Souls and Young Hearts

Old Souls and Young Hearts 150 150 Jason Stadtlander

A very good friend a few years back, looked me in the eye and said “Jason, you’re an old soul.”

Old Souls and Young HeartsI wasn’t sure what to say. I had never heard of old souls before. I asked him what he meant. To which he responded, “Old souls are someone that has clearly lived on this Earth much longer than others. You are able to do things with ease that other people cannot even understand. Also, you are able to relate to others in ways that you shouldn’t be able to.”

My curiosity was sparked. I decided to look more into this ‘old soul’ thing, finding that there is a common philosophy around it. It is generally perceived that old souls are those that have been here through many lives and experienced a lot.  There are many that believe that old souls:

  • Have a subconscious understanding of the world around them and are connected on a level that many others are not.
  • Realize that the pursuit of happiness is not through wealth or fame, but rather through the betterment of those around them and society.
  • Are able to cope with the idea of patience, though it may not be something they desire.
  • Are able to see the bigger picture in life and how each life can touch the world around them, even if it’s only on a small scale

New souls have been generally perceived as ignorant or lacking common sense, basically… they require more experience in life before they will seem truly fitting into the world around them.

Now, this all raised an interesting question to me. What about everyone else around you. What about those with brain damage, or Downs syndrome, Autism, schizophrenia or any other mental disorder? What do we make of them? What purpose do they serve in this great scheme,  if in fact there are old souls and new souls?

As I see it, there are two possibilities. Keep in mind, I’m theorizing, obviously none of this can be proved. But…

  • What if those that have Downs, are mentally and emotionally young, or even schizophrenic are actually old souls… but perhaps the barriers that separate those lives have broken down. Perhaps they have actually lived so many lives that conflict with one another that they have literally lost their mind? Imploded in on themselves?
  • And… what if those with autism are actually the opposite of that? What if they have built up such strong barriers between the lives they’ve lived, that only the smallest of stimuli can reach them? Music, art, math, a pattern… something along those lines. One tiny fracture in their brick wall that has been erected around them to protect them from all of the massive knowledge they posses.

I suppose… we will never really know, and can only speculate. But there is so much of our existence that we don’t understand. It’s completely possible to be curious about “what if”.

Twisted Thursday – Following the Lemmings into the Storm

Twisted Thursday – Following the Lemmings into the Storm 150 150 Jason Stadtlander

What a better Twisted Thursday could there be than the insanity that people show when a storm comes.

I think I’ve found this to be more true in New England than in the Mid-west.  In Ohio we were generally just react as: “eh, great… gotta shovel”. In New England though it’s a whole different ball of wax.

I remember the first time I went to the grocery store before a storm. I was going to get some bread and a steak or two. The place was a mad-house! The aisle that had bottled water was completely empty and every single register had a line a mile long. I walked over to a store employee and I said, “Is there something happening that caused everyone to go and clean out the store?”

I was expecting her to say, “Oh, yes, a water main broke.” or even “You didn’t hear about the hurricane?” What she said instead shocked me. “The storm is coming tomorrow.”

Keep in mind, we were expecting four to five inches. I looked at the employee and said “I don’t get it, it’s just a snow storm.”

She flatly looked at me and said, “Everyone goes out and buys a ton of groceries before the storm.” as if this was a completely normal thing.Follow the Lemmings

So, what did this teach me? Don’t go shopping when a storm is coming. It’s absurd… you’d think World War III was coming and people thought they wouldn’t be able to get to the grocery store for the next three weeks.

Amused, I got in line and asked a woman who had three cases of bottled water why she was buying so much water. She replied, “We might lose power.”

“Hmm… and losing power has what to do with water?” I asked. “Wouldn’t it make more sense to buy batteries or a generator?”

“What would you do with a generator?” she asked. That was when I decided to halt the conversation, but before I did she added, “Besides everyone goes out to get some emergency groceries before a storm.”

That was when I came to notice something about a specific body of New Englanders.  Keep in mind, this doesn’t apply to all. Most of us are quite normal. However, there is a group that does things simply because everyone else does. I suppose you even have these people in your area, where-ever your area might be. I like to call them the blind followers or the lemmings. They watch someone jump off a cliff and want to go along for the ride.

As far as I’m concerned, they’re welcome to. It’ll be less lemmings to drive me nuts during the snow storm. I’ll just sit, drink my coffee and enjoy the fire as the snow falls and lemmings grocery shop.

Las crónicas de la bestia: 9 de diciembre

Las crónicas de la bestia: 9 de diciembre 150 150 Jason Stadtlander

¿Disfrutas comprando regalos durante esta época del año? Yo lo hago, a veces, pero prefiero encontrar algo de tiempo y comprar cuando no hay nadie alrededor. Internet ha conseguido que las compras sin tanta gente sean mucho más fáciles. Sin embargo, después hay que recibir los malditos envíos y corres el riesgo de que alguien los vea si no estás en casa. He comprado ya dos regalos muy bien pensados a cada uno de mis hijos; mejor comprar que pasarles algo que pertenezca a la familia. Sin embargo, me encantaría que escucharan lo que su abuelo tiene que decirles en esas cintas. La mayoría son dulces y benignas, pero hay otras cintas que guardan oscuridad en ellas. Una profundidad subyacente que casi no se puede percibir. Y es que me aterra que mis hijos escuchen esa oscuridad y profundidad en la voz de su abuelo fallecido.

The Steel Van Man ChroniclesEs la maldad sobre la historia de nuestra familia lo que no quiero revelarles. Una parte de mí duda de si escucharían algo en su cariñosa voz. Quizá soy yo, corrupto por la verdad que conoce el mal. Por lo que sé, ni siquiera aparece como tal en las grabaciones. Sin embargo, que escuchen las grabaciones es una opción que no valoro, por lo menos de momento.

He estado sentado aquí, en mi furgoneta de vigilancia, observando a un hombre de Lynn las últimas cuatro horas. Le he visto hacer dos viajes a su apartamento con bolsas de juguetes. Veo cómo mis cámaras ocultas le graban envolviendo los regalos y probándose su disfraz de Santa Claus para estar seguro de que todo encaja. Ah… las Navidades… época de felicidad, inocencia y perversión. El espíritu de la navidad no es más que la máscara de este hombre para vestirse de sus desagradables perversiones.

Para mí que pronto verá de qué va todo eso del verdadero espíritu de la Navidad, mucho antes de que tenga la oportunidad de entregar sus regalos a niños y niñas buenos. Sí, creo que él sentirá la Navidad de una forma afilada, fría y brutal en la que nunca se la habría imaginado.

Acerca de Las crónicas de la bestia

El legado de la bestia (The Steel Van Man) es un thriller publicado en diciembre de 2013 sobre un asesino en serie que da caza a aquellos que abusan de niños. Puedes conseguir el libro completo aquíLas crónicas son la continuación diaria de la bestia desde su punto de vista mientras continúa con su vida diaria.

SVM Chronicles: December 9th

SVM Chronicles: December 9th 150 150 Jason Stadtlander

December 9th

Do you enjoy buying gifts this time of year? I do sometimes, but I prefer to find a time when no one else is around. The internet has made shopping without being around so many people much easier, but then you have to have the damn things delivered to you and risk someone seeing them if you’re not around. I’ve already bought each of my children two well thought out gifts, better to buy them then pass down something from the family. Although I really would like for them to hear what their grandfather has to say on his tapes. Most of them are sweet and benign, but there are other tapes that have a darkness to them. An underlying profundity that is just barely perceivable. It is that darkness and depth that I am afraid of my children hearing in their dead grandfather’s voice.

The Steel Van Man ChroniclesIt is that iniquity about our family history that I just don’t want to reveal to them. A part of me doubts that they would ever hear that in his loving voice, perhaps it is just me, tainted by the truth that sees the evil. For all I know, it’s not even really there in his recordings. However, it’s a chance I can’t take… at least for now.

I’ve been sitting here in my surveillance van, watching a man here in Lynn for the past four hours. Twice I’ve seen him leave and come home carrying bags of toys into his apartment. I watch as my hidden cameras see him wrapping the toys and trying on his Santa suit to make sure that everything fits. Ah, the holidays… a time of joy, innocence and perversion. The spirit of Christmas is nothing more than a mask for this man to wear for his disgusting perversions.

Methinks he will soon see what the true holiday spirit is all about, long before he has a chance to deliver his presents to good little boys and girls. Yes, I believe that he will find the Holidays sharp, cold and brutal in ways he can’t even imagine.


About The Steel Van Man Chronicles

The Steel Van Man is a thriller that was released in August of 2013 about a serial killer who hunts down those that abuse children. You can get the full book here. The “Chronicles” are the continuing journal of the serial killer from its point of view as it continues through its daily life.

Las crónicas de la bestia: 5 de diciembre

Las crónicas de la bestia: 5 de diciembre 150 150 Jason Stadtlander

Acción de gracias ya ha terminado y ya se acercan las Navidades. A partir del día después de Halloween se puede leer «Felices fiestas» junto a la ridícula publicidad pegada en los escaparates de cada establecimiento.

The Steel Van Man ChroniclesMe encantaría poder decir que las Navidades siempre han sido para mí un tiempo de amabilidad y felicidad. Un tiempo de alegría familiar y visitas de viejos parientes a quienes no hemos visto en todo el año. Un buen fuego arde en la chimenea del salón mientras la gente ríe a través de un vaso de ponche de huevo o de chocolate caliente y saborea la deliciosa comida y las pastas dispuestas a lo largo de toda la casa. El olor de pino impregnado en el aire que proviene del orgulloso árbol que preside decorado en una esquina con bastones de caramelo colgando de él. Quizá un alegre adulto entrado en carnes pasee por la fiesta con un disfraz de Santa Claus y reparta divertidos y pequeños regalos de su gran saco. Sí, me encantaría poder decir eso.

Sin embargo, no estaría diciendo la verdad. No tuve una mala infancia, pero definitivamente no fue como aquellos pintorescos momentos traídos de las escenas de un cuadro de Norman Rockwell. Nuestra casa tampoco estaba iluminada por el calor interno de un cuadro de Thomas Kinkade. De hecho, diría que se amolda más a la descripción de El Grito de Edvard Munch. Esa dura verdad de la existencia humana que solo se puede describir como miedo. ¿Alguien puede tener miedo a la Navidad? Mi madre se alejaba mucho de la definición de una madre solícita y cariñosa. Supongo que ella me quiso a su manera y, cuando era una niña, seguramente lo fuese. Sin embargo, más tarde descubrí que era una asesina sádica. A pesar de ser testigo de cómo mató a mi padre y cómo mutiló su cadáver, nunca se me ocurrió pensar que podría tratarse de algo fuera de lo «normal».

Lo cierto es que mi padre sí era solícito y cariñoso. Amó profundamente a sus hijos, pero, desgraciadamente, no estaba casado con una mujer, sino con una bestia. No hay duda de que en algún punto debió haber detenido a la bestia con la que se había casado, quizá antes de que fuera demasiado tarde. O, quizá, él lo descubriera después de que hubiéramos nacido y decidiera permanecer con nosotros para protegernos. La triste realidad es que yo nunca sabré la verdad, por lo menos en lo que respecta a sus sentimientos hacia mi madre. Todavía guardo las cintas de audio que grabó para nosotros y, mediante ellas, puedo afirmar que nos quiso. Su calavera perfectamente conservada no hace otra cosa que mirarme a través del cristal, justo detrás de la de mi madre. Así que brindo por vosotros dos: feliz Navidad, papá y mamá.

Acerca de Las crónicas de la bestia

El legado de la bestia (The Steel Van Man) es un thriller publicado en diciembre de 2013 sobre un asesino en serie que da caza a aquellos que abusan de niños. Puedes conseguir el libro completo aquí. Las crónicas son la continuación diaria de la bestia desde su punto de vista mientras continúa con su vida diaria.

SVM Chronicles: December 5th

SVM Chronicles: December 5th 150 150 Jason Stadtlander

December 5th

Thanksgiving is over and now the holidays approach. ‘Happy Holidays’ all the retailers say with their ridiculous marketing plastered everywhere the day after Halloween.

The Steel Van Man ChroniclesI would like to say that the holidays have always been a nice, happy time. Full of family cheer and old relatives visiting that we haven’t seen all year long. A nice fire burning in the living room as people laugh over a glass of thick delicious eggnog or hot chocolate, savoring the delicious food and cookies scattered throughout the house. The smell of pine in the air as the tree stands proudly decorated in the corner and candy canes hang upon it. Perhaps a fat jolly adult dressed in a Santa Claus outfit walks throughout the party distributing funny, small presents to everyone from his big bag. Yes, I would like to say that.

This however would be a lie. I didn’t have a bad childhood, but it was most definitely not like those picturesque moments torn from the scenes of a Normal Rockwell painting. Our house was not illuminated with the internal warmth from a Thomas Kinkade painting either. In fact, I would say it was more accurately described as Edvard Munch’s Scream. That harsh truth to the human existence that can only be described as fear. Fear for the holidays anyone? My mother was far from a kind, loving mother. I suppose she loved me in her own way and as a child, I thought she was very loving and kind. It was only later that I discovered her to be a sadistic killer. Even as I saw her kill my father and mutilate his corpse, it never occurred to me that this was anything but ‘normal’.

The truth was, my father was a loving, caring man. He loved his children deeply, but unfortunately he had not married a woman… He had married a monster. I have no doubt that he must have grasped at some point the monster whom he had married, perhaps not until it was too late. Or, perhaps he knew after we were already born but chose to stay to protect us. The sad reality is, I will never know the truth, at least not as far as his feelings toward my mother. I still have his tape recordings which he made to us and through those, I can tell he loved us. His beautifully preserved skull does nothing but stare back at me through the glass, right beside my mothers. So I raise a glass to you both, Happy Holidays Mom and Dad.


About The Steel Van Man Chronicles

The Steel Van Man is a thriller that was released in August of 2013 about a serial killer who hunts down those that abuse children. You can get the full book here. The “Chronicles” are the continuing journal of the serial killer from its point of view as it continues through its daily life.

Lynn Shore Drive, Lynn, MA

Lynn, Lynn, the city of sin…

Lynn, Lynn, the city of sin… 1200 900 Jason Stadtlander

There is a poem that I heard when I first moved to Swampscott (on the north side of Lynn, Massachusetts). I never heard the full poem until today, so I thought it would be fun to share it. There are apparently a few version of it, but I like this one the best.

Lynn Shore Drive, Lynn, MA

Lynn Shore Drive, Lynn, MA

Lynn the city of sin

Lynn, Lynn the city of sin
You never come out, the way you came in

You ask for water, but they give you gin
The girls say no, yet they always give in

If your not bad, they won’t let you in
It’s the damndest city I’ve ever lived in

Lynn, Lynn the city of sin
You never come out, the way you came in.

How to Enable Parental Controls for iOS7, Wii U, 3DS and PlayStation 4

How to Enable Parental Controls for iOS7, Wii U, 3DS and PlayStation 4 150 150 Jason Stadtlander

Protecting Kids while GamingTis the season for giving technology gifts and with that comes parental responsibility.

Here are some tips on how to lock down technology for your children:

Apple iOS 7 (iPhone, iPad, iPod, iPad Mini)

iOS 7 is finally packed with lots of great parental lock-downs.

You can access these by:

  • Going to Settings > General > Restrictions
  • Tap “Enable Restrictions” and give it a four digit passcode. DO NOT give it the same passcode you use to unlock the device and never give it to your children.
  • Then you can selectively choose what apps and capabilities they can use. I highly recommend disabling the following (NOTE: disabling the apps below will not remove them from the device, it will simply hide them):
    • iTunes Store
    • Installing Apps
    • Deleting Apps
    • In-App Purchases
    • Scroll down and set “Websites” to “Limit Adult Content” (Personally, I chose to disable Safari and Internet browsing for my children. If they want to browse the internet they can do it on the computer where I can watch it better.)
    • Disable Siri’s ability to web search content and explicit language
    • Tap on “Location Services” and set it to off or at least set it so only GPS or map related apps use it, then set to “Don’t allow changes” at the top.
  • I would advise going through all the options slowly, see what might pertain to your child and what might not. I’m sure what I lock my 8 year out of would seem extreme to your fourteen year old. So look around and see what fits. You can always turn restrictions off to set it back to normal.


Nintendo Wii U

Wii U has some great capabilities, but to ensure that our children are only accessing the areas we want them to, I recommend enabling the parental controls.

  • From the Wii U Menu, select “Parental Controls.”
  • If prompted, tap “Next” and enter the four-digit PIN. If the PIN has been forgotten, it will need to be reset.
    • Select the option you wish to configure.
    • To change restriction settings, tap “Parental Controls Settings” and then “OK.”
      • You can set different restrictions for each user.
    • To change the four-digit PIN, tap “Change PIN.” Enter a new four-digit PIN then tap OK. Enter in the PIN one more time, and then tap “OK” twice. Select a secret question and create an answer that is at least four characters long, then tap “OK” three times.
    • To change the registered e-mail address, tap “Change E-Mail address” then tap “OK.” Enter in an alternate e-mail address then tap “OK” twice to confirm.
    • To remove all Parental Control settings tap “Delete All Settings” or press the X Button.


Nintendo 3DS

The one thing that a lot of people don’t think about is, 3DS has wifi capabilties, and with the included browser – though it may not look pretty, you can still access just about anything out there. Unlike Apple’s iOS7, 3DS cannot be granular (set to block specific types of websites and content). It’s either on, or off. You can control the following features: Software Rating, Internet Browser, 3DS Shopping Services, Display of 3D images, Sharing of audio/video files, Online interaction (exchanging data online between users), StreetPass, Friend Registration, DS Download Play, Viewing Distributued Videos, Child Online Privacy Protection. You can get more information on these details on Nintendo’s website

  • Select the System Settings icon on the HOME Menu, and tap “Open.”
  • Select Parental Controls from the System Settings menu, and tap “Yes.”
  • Create a four-digit PIN, and tap “OK.”
  • Enter the PIN a second time and tap “OK.”
  • Select a secret question, and tap “OK.”
  • Enter the answer and tap “OK.”
  • Tap “Set Restrictions.”
  • Select the restrictions you would like to put into place.
  • When restrictions are complete, tap “Done” to save the settings.


Sony PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 has a multi-level security design to it. Parents (should) have control of the Master account and then setup Sub accounts below that. Here is how you setup the Master and Sub accounts:

(courtesy of PlayStation Website)

  • Log in to your Master Account. If you don’t have a Master Account, this article has information on how to create one.
  • Set passcodes. There are two different passcodes that you should set to make sure your settings are secure.
    1. Master Account passcode: This prevents other users from logging into your account to make changes to parental controls or view unauthorized content. To do this go to   (Settings) >  [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][Login Settings] > [Passcode Management].
    2. Parental controls passcode: This passcode is must be entered before changing any parental controls. The default code is:0000, and it is recommended that you change it. To do this go to   (Settings) >  [Parental Controls] > [Restrict Use of PS4 Features] > [Change Passcode]. Take care to remember your new code as the only way to reset it is to initialize the PS4 via Safe Mode.
  • Sub Accounts
    • If you already have a Sub Account associated with your Master Account, you’re ready for the “Setting Parental Controls” section here.
    • If you do not have a Sub Account associated with the Master Account, please refer to this article for details on creating a Sub Account on the PS4, and then come back to the “Setting Parental Controls” section here.


Typhoons, Earthquakes and War… Oh my!

Typhoons, Earthquakes and War… Oh my! 150 150 Jason Stadtlander

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”]

Typhoon Haiyan

Typhoon Haiyan

The Raw Facts

Typhoon Haiyan is being described as a Super Typhoon, having obliterated most of the city of Tacloban in the Philippines as well as numerous neighboring towns and villages. Death tolls are expected to be well over 10,000.

In World War II over 60 million people were killed and at least 10 million of those that died were Jewish during the Holocaust.

In 1960, Chili experienced the largest recorded earthquake in history, registering 9.5 on the Richter scale. It killed 1,655 people, left 3,000 injured and 2,000,000 homeless.


What do these three circumstances have in common? Well, the primary commonality that is easy to see is that they all have death tolls. Two of these circumstances, we had no control over and the one man-made problem (World War II) was in a nutshell based on differences of opinion and belief.

Caring for othersOne other commonality that you may not initially see is the fact that with each of these – people came out of the woodwork to try and help one another. Whether it was for disaster relief, troops to fight with or groups of people to help rebuild torn communities. As I write this, even now, the world is just starting to coordinate efforts to help the Philippines.

Two things that are common with all of us humans:

1. We all have our own beliefs and we rarely (if ever) mutually agree world wide on a single idea.
2. For as much hate as there is in the world, there is often as much if not more people that care and want to help others.

Can a World Divided Really Ever be United?

This leads me to my ultimate question that I was getting at here… Can a world with so many different beliefs, so many concepts of peace, religion, politics, differences of opinion, really ever be truly united in a “Single World Society”?

Think about it. Don’t just think about the U.S. or the U.K. or even India and China. Think about the billions of others out there, living in tiny villages that have never heard of a telephone, much less the Internet. There are societies out there that have no idea that this whole other modern world even exists out there. They have no idea that their very survival could fall in the hands of someone – a culture or a country that they have never even heard of. How can we or any other group of people really presume to assume control of the entire world as a unified people without actually consulting everyone on the planet?

The seas (and I’m talking metaphorically here) that we must bridge in beliefs, politics, cultures, tradition, religion, etc. are so vast spread across so many people that the concept of a world government is almost unfathomable. So… Do you really believe we can ever have that? And yes, ‘ever’ is a long time. I’m not just talking decades, I’m talking centuries or even thousands of years.



Twisted Thursday – New Apple Products for the 2013 Holidays

Twisted Thursday – New Apple Products for the 2013 Holidays 150 150 Jason Stadtlander

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”]


The amazing new iSuck

I’ve had a chance to talk to Apple and have found out what they have in store for us for the 2013 holidays. These are some of the new innovative Apple products coming this holiday season! Checkout these awesome new products such as the iSuck, iWon, iGirl, iGuy and more.


Specifically designed to work with the all new iMaid, this new standard for interactive vacuums will change your world. This new vacuum by Apple, with sleek designs and revolutionary sucking power will provide hours of enjoyment as you zoom around the house cleaning up those insane messes.


Sick of cleaning? Aren’t we all? The new iMaid interfaces with your iPhone or use it even on iCloud on the web. Watch on real-time GPS as your iMaid zooms around your house cleaning up the messes you don’t want to. It’ll make your bed, take care of your children and even take out the trash.


iEraseIT provides a clean and simple way to eliminate all your data and wipe your memory clean. This little bad boy has enough magnetic power to rip the fillings out of your teeth at thirty yards.



[/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”]


Never lose again


Want a way to ensure you’ll win at your next competition? Just interface the new iWon with your iPhone or iMac and setup your competition. It will systematically ensure that you win at whatever your activity is. It reaches out and infects your competition with viruses, reduced mental capacity and more!



[/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”]


All new iGirl


Tired of rejections or having to spend money on date after date?  The all new iGirl by Apple will give you what you want, when you want it. She will fetch you a beer, watch the games with you, and if she won’t shut up, you can simply turn her off.  Look for wonderful new upgrades coming soon including “Enhance a Chest” and “Shakira Mode”.


[/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”]


A man when you need him


Have home projects that need to get done, but never are?  Getting excuses when your man is asked to take out the trash or wash the dishes? Welcome to iGuy by Apple. Never again will you have that problem with iGuy. He never complains and always knows who the boss is… that’s right, the woman with the remote control. You can program him to sit on his butt and watch the game and at the snap of your fingers have him come in the kitchen to help you out. He doesn’t mind getting interrupted and will happily give you a massage. Now with “Hunk Mode” and “Shopping Mode”. New upgrades on the horizon include, “Select a Size” and “Gym Bunny”.


Legal Mumbo Jumbo: Yes, Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Corporation. And for those of you who may be too naive, of course none of the products above are real (though we wish they were). Happy Twisted Thursday![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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